We are pleased to announce the awarding of $793,090 in December 2020, in support of efforts that will lead to greater access to higher education and student success for students seeking to transfer from one institution to another or re-connect to higher education after time spent in the workforce.
Grants selected will support student success efforts and will provide technical assistance for developing regional transfer alignment plans:
- $300,000 to Citizens for Educational Excellence in Corpus Christi to provide personalized, direct services to re-engage adults who were once enrolled in college but have since “stopped out.” Program goals align strategically with local, regional, and statewide goals for increasing college degree attainment and benefitting individuals, as well as supporting the region’s economic well-being.
- $293,090 to the Temple College Foundation to support the college’s work to recruit and expand support for adults over 25 who have not completed college degrees, allowing them to return to college and complete credentials that will better enable them to prosper.
- $200,000 to the Charles A. Dana Center at the University of Texas at Austin to foster the conditions for scaled and measurable improvements in attainment rates for baccalaureate-seeking Texas community college students.
About Trellis Foundation
Trellis Foundation is a grantmaking public charity focused on helping low-income students and students of color increase their ability to access, afford and complete a postsecondary education. More information is available at www.trellisfoundation.org.