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Integrity in Grantmaking: Improving Accessibility, Clarity, and Transparency
It’s never easy to say “no.” There are power dynamics in philanthropy that need to shift, and processes that favor funders and waste applicants' time need to be changed. There are myriad examples of [...]
Illuminating Pathways: The Role of a Black Male Educator and Equity Advocate
As a Black male educator and equity advocate, I stand at a unique intersection of identity and purpose, driven by the belief that all students deserve equal educational opportunities. This belief is rooted in [...]
The Transformative Power of Education
Reflecting on the transformative power of education, I think about it through the lens of my family journey. I’ll start with the stories told by my maternal grandmother about the hardships of her childhood. [...]
Nurturing Partnerships and Shared Values in Our Grantmaking
Our team has been actively engaging in a robust discussion sparked by a recent Stanford Social Innovation Review article. The article delves into the origins and impact of what the authors term “strategic philanthropy” [...]
Summer 2024 Grant Awards
At their meeting in June 2024, the Trellis Foundation board of directors approved more than $3 million in new grant awards, including: A $370,000 grant to the Alliance for College & Career Student Success [...]
Unlocking Opportunities: Advancing Higher Education in Prison
At Trellis Foundation, we believe in making the promise of higher education a reality for all students. We also recognize the over-representation of Black and Hispanic students in the justice system, and supporting educational [...]