
Empowering Nontraditional Students

2024-10-02T13:30:46-05:00October 2, 2024|Categories: Blog|

In my previous blog, I shared my experiences as a nontraditional student trying to complete the hidden graduate school curriculum - those unspoken expectations and necessities for successful degree completion - while finding employment that aligns with my education and skills. This challenge is not unique to graduate students. In 2020, 19% of full-time [...]

Cultivating Collaboration: Lessons from Gardening for a Thriving Social Sector

2024-09-16T15:25:57-05:00September 23, 2024|Categories: Blog|

As we close the values blog series sharing Trellis Foundation staff reflections on our values, it’s fitting that we end where our social sector begins: collaboration. In Kristin’s introductory post, she pointed to the etymology of the word “philanthropy: love of humanity,” and in this blog, we’d like to elevate the origin of collaboration, [...]

Making Informed Decisions: Beyond the Data

2024-09-10T10:42:55-05:00September 16, 2024|Categories: Blog|

In highlighting data-informed decisions as a core value, the Trellis Foundation is elevating just one element of our greater commitment as a learning organization. For over a decade, the philanthropic sector has explored “What is a Learning Organization?” And in my year with the Foundation, I have seen us explore this idea deeply and [...]

Integrity in Grantmaking: Improving Accessibility, Clarity, and Transparency

2025-01-31T17:46:31-05:00September 9, 2024|Categories: Blog|

It’s never easy to say “no.” There are power dynamics in philanthropy that need to shift, and processes that favor funders and waste applicants' time need to be changed. There are myriad examples of needed reflection points and systems change in philanthropy. But at the end of the day, foundation program officers are generally [...]

Illuminating Pathways: The Role of a Black Male Educator and Equity Advocate

2024-08-27T12:09:10-05:00September 1, 2024|Categories: Blog|

As a Black male educator and equity advocate, I stand at a unique intersection of identity and purpose, driven by the belief that all students deserve equal educational opportunities. This belief is rooted in a deep understanding of the systemic barriers that have historically marginalized students of color, and our responsibility to dismantle these [...]

Nurturing Partnerships and Shared Values in Our Grantmaking

2025-01-31T17:45:55-05:00August 19, 2024|Categories: Blog|

Our team has been actively engaging in a robust discussion sparked by a recent Stanford Social Innovation Review article. The article delves into the origins and impact of what the authors term “strategic philanthropy” to critique traditional models that assume philanthropists, by virtue of their wealth and power, are inherently capable of developing and [...]

Unlocking Opportunities: Advancing Higher Education in Prison

2025-01-31T17:45:28-05:00July 22, 2024|Categories: Blog|

At Trellis Foundation, we believe in making the promise of higher education a reality for all students. We also recognize the over-representation of Black and Hispanic students in the justice system, and supporting educational opportunities for formerly incarcerated individuals is critical to our equity goals. Higher ed in prison is a space that many [...]

Improving Student Success with 8-Week Terms at Texas Community Colleges

2024-07-10T15:32:24-05:00July 15, 2024|Categories: Blog|

When I was learning to knit during the pandemic, it took me about two months to finish my first scarf. As part of an innovative strategy to improve enrollment and retention, students at several Texas community colleges completed courses in 2022 and 2023 in about the same amount of time it took me to [...]

Get to Know Dr. Jay McCullar

2024-06-03T12:50:31-05:00May 28, 2024|Categories: Blog|

Joining Trellis Foundation: A New Chapter in My Commitment to Education and Equity I am excited to share that I am joining Trellis Foundation as a Program Officer. This new role is a significant milestone in my career, and I am eager to bring my passion for post-secondary education and equity to an organization [...]

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